What Should be Included in an Active Assailant Emergency Kit Bag?


During an active assailant situation, every second counts. Having an emergency kit bag readily available allows individuals to quickly access essential supplies and tools needed to respond to an emergency. It helps minimize response time and enables immediate action to enhance personal safety and potentially save lives. 


Preparedness and Training. Organizations demonstrate a commitment to readiness and proactive planning for emergency situations by having an active assailant emergency kit bag. The presence of kit bags can serve as a visual reminder for individuals to be aware of potential threats, undergo relevant training, and familiarize themselves with the contents of the kit. This preparation increases the organization's overall readiness to respond effectively to an active assailant incident. 

Compliance and Duty of Care: Depending on the industry and jurisdiction, organizations may have legal or regulatory obligations to maintain a safe and secure environment for employees and visitors. Having an active assailant emergency kit bag aligns with these obligations and demonstrates a commitment to the duty of care towards individuals within the organization. 

It is important to note that an active assailant emergency kit bag should be part of a comprehensive emergency preparedness plan, which includes other elements like training, communication protocols, evacuation plans, and coordination with local authorities. The kit bag is one component of a broader strategy to enhance safety and resilience in the face of an active assailant situation. 

Coordinating with Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Law Enforcement.  To fulfill the potential use of these kits, coordinating with EMS to establish the location of emergency kit bags is crucial for several reasons: 

  1. Enhanced Response: In an active assailant emergency, time is crucial. By collaborating with EMS and law enforcement, organizations can ensure that emergency kit bags are strategically placed in accessible areas where individuals in need can quickly locate and utilize them. This coordination helps to optimize response times and potentially save lives. 

  2. Professional Guidance: EMS and law enforcement personnel are trained in emergency response and have expertise in handling crises. By involving them in the planning and placement of emergency kit bags, organizations can benefit from their knowledge and experience. They can provide insights into the most effective locations for the kits based on the layout of the premises, potential escape routes, and areas where individuals are likely to seek shelter. 

  3. Seamless Integration: In the event of an active assailant situation, the response should be well-coordinated and integrated between different entities, including EMS, law enforcement, and the organization itself. By involving these stakeholders in the planning process, the organization can establish clear communication channels, protocols, and procedures for the use of emergency kit bags. This integration fosters a more cohesive and efficient response during emergencies. 

Overall, coordinating with EMS and law enforcement to determine the placement of emergency kit bags ensures that they are strategically positioned, align with best practices, and allow for a coordinated and effective response in the event of an active assailant emergency. 


While it is essential to prioritize personal safety and follow the guidance of law enforcement or security professionals, here are examples of some items to think about that could be included in an active assailant emergency kit bag depending on the needs of your organization: 

Stop the Bleed Kits for those who are trained to use it. Including a Stop the Bleed kit in an active assailant emergency kit bag is recommended according to industry standards and best practices due to the potential for severe injuries and bleeding that may occur during such incidents. Here are a few reasons why a Stop the Bleed kit is essential: 

  1. Rapid Response: In an active assailant situation, injuries from gunshots or other weapons can lead to significant bleeding. Rapidly addressing these life-threatening bleeding wounds is crucial to increase the chances of survival. A Stop the Bleed kit contains essential tools and supplies designed to control severe bleeding, enabling immediate responders to act before professional medical help arrives. 

  2. Empowerment of Bystanders: In many emergencies, including active assailant incidents, bystanders or immediate responders are often the first on the scene and can provide critical assistance before medical professionals can access the area. By including a Stop the Bleed kit, individuals within the vicinity can access the necessary equipment and instructions to intervene and apply basic bleeding control techniques. This empowers bystanders to become immediate responders and potentially save lives. 

  3. Minimizing Blood Loss: Severe bleeding can quickly lead to life-threatening situations. By readily making a Stop the Bleed kit available, individuals can quickly access materials such as tourniquets, pressure dressings, and hemostatic agents (e.g., gauze impregnated with clotting agents) to control bleeding effectively. Prompt application of these techniques can minimize blood loss and improve the chances of survival until professional medical help arrives. 

  4. Training and Awareness: A Stop the Bleed kit typically includes instructions or visual aids that guide individuals on how to use the tools effectively. However, an organization should train employees on how to use these specialized kits to ensure correct application and use. By incorporating such training, organizations can promote awareness about the importance of bleeding control techniques. Providing this education increases the likelihood of individuals being prepared to use the kit correctly and confidently during an emergency. 

Including a Stop the Bleed Kit in an active assailant emergency kit bag acknowledges the potential for severe bleeding injuries and empowers individuals to take immediate action. By doing so, the kit bag becomes better equipped to address life-threatening situations and increase the likelihood of positive outcomes in an emergency.  A Stop the Bleed Kit should include the following items: 

  • Tourniquet 

  • Trauma shears 

  • Blood clotting bandages 

  • Chest seals 

  • Gauze pads 

  • Medical gloves 

  • Permanent marker 

  • Other trauma-related materials 

Other items to include in the Active Assailant Emergency Kit Bag include: 

Communication, Documentation, Access, and Visibility. In an active assailant situation, it may take time for emergency responders to arrive at the scene or gain access to affected areas. An emergency kit bag can also be equipped with additional resources that could aid in an individual’s survival. Part of the customization process includes careful considerations that are unique to the facility and surrounding area. The contents for this category could include items such as: 

  • Fully charged mobile phone, tablet, or laptop with emergency numbers and contact list saved.  

  • Radios for communicating with emergency responders and members of your organization. 

  • Hard copies of aerial photos, maps, and floor plans of the building and surrounding area 

  • Pen and paper for taking notes or leaving messages. 

  • Flashlights  

  • Doorstops for barricading 

It is important to note that the primary goal in an active assailant situation is to get as far away from the assailant and situation as possible. The above items are meant to provide general assistance and support during an emergency or once the threat is contained. Following official instructions, being aware of surroundings, and taking immediate action to ensure personal safety is crucial. 

By Stacie Brown, M.ED., Manager Security Solutions


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